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Positive Findings On Constable’s Orgonotic Bio-Forms Part 2

Positive Findings On Constable’s Orgonotic Bio-Forms

Part Two: British Evidence

By Nik Hayes and Leon Southgate MSc

Editor’s comment,

The authors of this article revisit the work and findings of Trevor James Constable, and compared it with new data from Italian, US and Romanian researchers. When they were initially published, Trevor James Constable’s work was viewed with some skepticism in Orgonomy circles, and to some was considered unscientific, even mystical. The authors of this article invoke that skepticism with regard to Constable’s work. At the same time, the authors discuss new investigational findings that corroborate Constable’s own findings and results. In scientific and historical terms the article should hold interest for our readers. However the editor would like to emphasis the controversies surrounding Constable’s findings as well as recommend readers’ cautious discretion.

1.0 Synopsis and Introduction

1.1 Synopsis

In Part One, the evidence for and against Constable’s claims for the existence of orgonotic bio-forms was presented. Further, the strong evidence for the bio-forms presented by the Italian research team, the GRCU, was outlined.

In Part Two, an in-depth exploration and summary of the British Constable researcher, Nik Hayes is presented. British evidence for the existence of Constable’s bio-forms is outlined in detail. It is argued that high quality new evidence for bio-forms exists.

1.2 Introduction

Hayes presents data pertaining to the possible existence of orgonotic, plasmatic bio-forms. In order to convey the broad range of high quality evidence captured over nearly a decade of painstaking and meticulous work by Hayes, this paper has been split into the following sections in order to detail the types of bio-form evidence:

  • Synopsis and Introduction
  • Stereoscopic Video
  • Three Dimensionality
  • Plasma Movement
  • Complex Movement
  • Herd Movement
  • Chronological Existence
  • Biological Appearances
  • Anomalous Orgonotic Lumination in the Infrared.
  • Bio-form Sizes
  • British Conclusion
  • Overall Conclusion

2. Stereoscopic Video

There is new multi-camera British video evidence of a single bio-form but presented as a moving stereo image (1). Framed by a tree in order to give perspective, the infra-red footage captures what appears to be a small plasmatic entity, in the region of 20 cms in length, moving in loops from left to right. This was taken at 30 frames per second using movie-mode on an infrared converted Canon G10, with an internal 720nm infrared pass filter on the afternoon of February 8th 2011. Then we see the full spectrum footage of the same scene, taken at 25 frames per second, at exactly the same time, using a full spectrum converted Sony DVD-650 Handycam, with no filter. This time we see the entity doing the same loops, the same changes in shape as the body pulses and moves across the frame of view. It is clearly the same entity.

It is also apparent that it is not an insect as the movement is too quick and too looping. It also covers too long a trajectory for a slow moving insect and is at a considerable height being well above the tree line. Although the entity is small and not as intricately captured as the most detailed of the evidence Hayes presents, one can still see the plasmatic body pulsing and changing shape in the video. Combined with the way that it follows the characteristic shape and quality of movement found in the other evidence indicates that it may be a similar type of possible plasmatic entity. Certainly one can distinguish plasma-like shape changes as it moves across the frame.

The entity returned shortly after the first stereo video sequence and can be seen moving back towards the cameras for a second run across the same frame of view. There are thus two stereo video sequences of the same entity. The movements, shape and speed are the same in both sets of trajectories in both sequences. The entity’s speed has been calculated by Hayes to be approximately 4 – 6 mph (6 to 10 kph). Its movements appear purposeful, life-like and directed – not at all random.

The orgonotic charge above the test area was increased through the use of a cloudbuster. This was operated an hour prior to, and during this recording. The pipes were pointing at zenith, above the trees, at the same area where the camera was aiming. Although nothing was visible to the naked eye, Hayes was able to see the bio-form’s movement on the infrared camera’s live view screen.

Figure 1 – Hayes’ Stereoscopic Evidence

Above Figure 1 (A) shows a possible small bio-form moving above one of the 100ft trees at Hayes’ research area near Oxford, on the afternoon of February 8th 2011. The video frame was taken from infrared movie-mode footage recorded using an infrared converted Canon G10 digital camera, with an internal 720nm infrared pass filter. This particular footage was taken on a freezing cold afternoon, with very little sunlight, although some infrared radiation can be seen reflecting off the tree’s bare branches. The Canon G10 has an internal 720 nm pass filter. Although this passes infrared radiation, and blocks almost all of the visible light spectrum, it also allows a small amount of visible red light through that occurs just before the infrared. This can be especially helpful on dull days with very little sunlight, or at night-time when street lamps or moonlight are the only source of visible light in the scene.

In Figure 1 (B) the bio-form is shown recorded from a slightly different angle on a full spectrum converted Sony DVD-650 Handycam, with no filter. The bio-form does not appear as bright when viewed in full spectrum due to the camcorder’s sensors being dominated by the visible light spectrum; particularly the blue of the sky. This has led to a watering down of the image, making it appear much fainter than its infrared counterpart (A). The tree branches are barely reflecting the sunlight in the full spectrum view of the same scene. However, on a bright day with bright sunshine, these branches and any potential foliage would appear whiter, and similar to the infrared view as seen in (A). To fully appreciate the evidence the accompanying video is recommended (2).

3. Three Dimensionality

Figure 2 – Three Dimensionality, Part 1

Above, the Figure 2 shows an invisible worm-like possible bio-form  filmed above the main roof of the author’s house on a full spectrum converted Sony HDR-PJ620 Handycam, which was fitted with a 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330). The video was recorded in HD (High Definition) at 50 frames per second on June 6th 2016 at 4.15pm, and the object only appeared in the one frame. Inset: Black and White enlargment of the main photograph, showing the detailed markings of the bio-form’s chrysalis-like, almost transparent body. which is heavily reflecting the afternoon sunlight in this position. A cloudbuster was used to excite the atmosphere locally prior to, and during filming. Its pipes were aimed right above the house roof in line with where the camcorder was pointing.

Figure 3 – Three Dimensionality, Part 2

Above in Figure 3 (A) shows an invisible possible bio-form captured on ultraviolet camcorder footage, as it moves above the rooftops of the author’s house adjacent to his main research area on September 7th 2012, at 6.45pm. The footage was recorded at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum Sony DVD-650 Handycam, which was fitted with an external 330 nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330) The bio-form, which only appeared in one frame, has an almost fish-like appearence, consisting of a long mouth-like feature that extends for most of the body, ending with a small tail curve. A certain thickness can be seen in the object’s body (3).

Figure 3 (B) shows an invisible bio-form captured on ultraviolet camcorder footage, as it moved above the rooftops of the author’s house on July 31st 2013 at 12.10pm. The footage was recorded at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum Sony DVD-650 Handycam, which was fitted with an external 330 nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330). The object appeared in two frames, but in the first frame only a small part of the propellor-like appendage was visible (4). During his photographic and video work, in both the infrared and the ultraviolet, Hayes has noted many examples of invisible forms apparently morphing, and changing shape. In some cases, objects such as is shown above in (B), appear in a form that makes no sense aero-dynamically, or in terms of propulsion. In the above case, and in nearly all of Hayes’ ultraviolet footage, these objects appear to be riding, or caught up in the west to east orgone flow (see also later discussion under Figure 8, Part 2).

4. Plasma Movement

Figure 4 – Plasma Movement

Above Figure 4 (A-D) shows a formation of possible invisible plasmoidal entities photographed moving above Hayes’ research area near Oxford, UK. It was taken on the evening of March 9th 2017 at 8.27pm. The photograph was captured without flash using an infrared converted Canon-G10 digital camera with an internal 720nm infrared pass filter. Exposure was 1/8th second. The objects have a luminous corona and differ in shape slightly. One object (C) has a trail which can be seen, and this is probably a result of the entity’s fast movement within the 1/8th second exposure. The photograph was one of several taken after a 0.3 μSv/hr Geiger counter radiation reading alerted the researcher. This indicates a possible rise in oranur energy associated with the entities. Oranur is related to a rise in μSv/hr background readings according to Maglione (5) and Southgate (6). The reading of 0.3 μSv/hr is above the normal background for this area of approximately 0.09 to 0.12 μSv/hr usually found by Hayes (7). In cases like this, when fast moving entities are passing overhead at a high altitiude, these sudden high radiation peaks will often last for a mere fraction of a second. The readings tend to rapidly return to normal background levels within half a second approximately according to Hayes’ observations.

Plasmatic movements of the entities above suggests an orgonotic basis for their existence. It also suggests that they may well be living. Pulsating plasma and a membrane is the only requirement of life from an orgonomic point of view. This is in light of the tiny microscopic bion entities Reich claimed to have discovered (8). The bions consist of plasma and a membrane and are created when matter is broken down in water after having been heated to very hot temperatures. The bions have been well evidenced within orgonomy, for example by Reich, Diamond and Reidpath, Jones and Demeo (9). If the posited bio-forms were camera artefacts they would not show similar plasmatic type movement to the bions over time. Hard-bodied insects would also not have this quality.

5. Complex Movement

Figure 5 – Complex Movement

Above Figure 5 (A) – (D) shows a possible invisible bio-form moving from left to right at approximately 140 mph (225kph) above some garage rooftops adjacent to the author’s research area, on April 20th 2013, at 3:40pm. These four consecutive video stills were taken from ultraviolet camcorder footage recorded at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum converted Sony DVD-650 Handycam, fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330) The object can be seen turning mid-flight, enabling a good view of the tube-like structures which appear to connect in some way to the three visible wing-like appendages. Like many of the invisible bio-forms captured during Hayes’ work, in both the infrared and the utraviolet part of the spectrum, this bio-form also moved in a spinning manner. The white balance on the digital camcorder was set to “green grass” giving the bio-form a transparent milky white appearence against the violet sky background (10).

Figure 5 (E) shows a close-up of a similar bio-form which was filmed on September 3rd 2012, at 5.06 pm, as it moved above some rooftops adjacent to the author’s research area. This ultraviolet video still was recorded on ultraviolet camcorder footage at 25 frames per second using a full spectrum converted Sony DVD-650 Handycam, fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite-330). This underlines that similar types of the bio-forms appear over time. This further evidences that they may be real and not artefacts. Non-living entities, or artefacts would be unlikely to show complex, animal-like movement.
A full recording can be seen on the accompanying video (11).

6. Herd Movement

Figure 6 – Herd Movement

Above Figure 6 (A-D) shows a 4 frame progression of an invisible “Spinning Jenny” possible bio-form, part of a much larger group filmed moving from right to left. It was moving above the trees at Hayes’ research area on the afternoon of October 2nd 2011. The footage is taken from infrared movie-mode footage recorded at 30 frames per second on an infrared converted Canon G10 camera, with an internal 720 nm infrared pass filter (12). A cloudbuster was used to excite the atmosphere locally for around an hour prior to, and during the recording of this footage, and its pipes were aimed just above the treetops.

The basic fish-like body of the bio-form is apparent in both frames (B) and (D), with the fish-like tail section being visible at the rear. Hayes has captured these types of bio-forms in the infrared on many occasions, sometimes recording swarms of several dozen or more as they moved together above the trees at his research area. From examining multiple recordings of these spinning bio-forms, it was found that they appear to consist of a plasmatic-looking fish-like body, with large triangular wing/fin-like appendages on either side; appearing similar in shape to a manta ray. Rather than moving forward in the same manner as a bird or a fish, these spinning oddities most commonly move by arching their bodies, facing nose down, and then spinning the whole wing and tail sections around, much like a helicopter, as can be seen in frames (A) and (C).

In general it appears that many bio-forms move with incredible speed. Hayes has estimated that a not unusual approximate speed for some would be 200 feet per second, which equates to 140 mph or 225 kph. Others such as the “Spinning Jennys” mentioned above, travel at a much slower rate, approximately 10 – 30mph or 16- 48 kph.

A full recording of the above anomalies can be accessed at the accompanying video (13)

7. Chronological Existence

Figure 7 – Fish-like Bio-forms, Part 1

Above Figure 7 (A) shows a possible invisible bio-form captured on ultraviolet camcorder footage as it moves above the roof of the author’s house on September 3rd 2012 at 4.20pm (14). The footage was filmed at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum Sony Handycam DVD-650 Handycam. It was fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330).

Figure 7 (B) shows an invisible bio-form captured on ultraviolet camcorder footage, as it moved above the roof of the author’s house, on 12th August 2013 at 7.36pm.The footage was filmed at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum Sony Handycam DVD-650 Handycam, fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330).

The bio-forms above, which all only appeared in one frame, have the same general body shape, tail or fin-like appendages at the rear, as well as a similar void or tube running centrally through the body area. The similarity between these images is striking, yet they were captured 11 months apart. They were filmed above the same section of rooftop which indicates that the entities and their forms may have continuing reality over time.

It is interesting that tube-like structures are a theme in the bio-forms. This indicates a connection to orgone as it is known that orgone is attracted to, and channelled by, tube-like structures. Tubes are known to channel orgone energy in a number of orgonotic devices, for example, in the orgonoscope (for viewing orgone waves in the atmosphere). Reich used this device to see orgonotic waves over Mooselookmeguntic Lake in Maine, USA. This partly inspired the later cloudbuster tubes which Reich used to clear negative orgone after the oranur experiment (15). The cloudbuster attracts and then channels accumulations of orgone in the atmosphere. The DOR-buster (Deadly ORgone) attracts and channels negative orgone energy from the body and grounds it in running water. The Space-gun (an oranur-charged cloudbuster) uses tube-like structures to direct orgone in currently unknown ways. In common with these devices the bio-forms appear to use tube-like structures to channel currents of orgone from the environment and through their own bodies.

Figure 8 – Fish-like Bio-Forms, Part 2

Above Figure 8 (A) shows a possible invisible fish-like form, filmed above the rooftop of the author’s house, on the afternoon of September 2nd 2013. The ultraviolet camcorder footage was captured at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum Sony DVD-650 Handycam. It was fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330) (16).

Figure 8 (B) shows another invisible fish-like form, filmed above the rooftop of the author’s house, on the afternoon of September 7th 2012. The ultraviolet camcorder footage was captured at 25 frames per second on a full spectrum Sony DVD-650 Handycam. It was fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330) (17).

The fish-like forms shown in (A) and (B) were filmed 12 months apart, above the same section of the roof. Both examples have the same overall diamond shape and sharply defined fin and tail sections as well as the central void or tube-like structure.

Like many of the other invisible fish-like forms recorded by Hayes, the examples shown here were moving from west to east above the rooftops. This indicates they may be following a flow of orgone energy such as Reich hypothesised to exist both above the earth (west to east) and in space (18). This is true at our latitudes. Approaching the equator the orgone flow reverses, and it is then moving from east to west. This immersion would also explain their incredibly fast movement (as discussed previously, in the region of 140 mp/h or 225 km/h). They would be propelled not only by their own energy but also by the stream in which they flow.

Figure 9 – Fish-like Bio-Forms, Part 3

Above Figure 9 (A) shows one of four consecutive frames taken from ultraviolet video footage, and pictures the movement of a possible invisible fish-like form above the rooftop of the author’s house. The footage was recorded in HD at 50 frames per second on July 18th 2016, at 7.25pm, using a full spectrum Sony HDR- PJ620 Handycam. It was fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite330).

Figure 9 (B) shows another invisible fish-like form with clear body and tail section visible. Note the clear tube-like structure through the centre, and the defined body and tail section. The ultraviolet camcorder footage was recorded at 25 frames per second on September 2nd 2013, using a full spectrum Sony DVD-650 Handycam, fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330). Again these two frames evidence morphological continuity (19)

Figure 10 – Four Consecutive Frames of an Invisible Fish-like Bio-form

Above Figure 10 (A-D) shows four consecutive video frames taken from ultraviolet camcorder footage, and pictures an invisible fish-like bio-form moving from right to left (west to east) above a rooftop adjacent to the author’s research area. The footage was recorded in HD at 50 frames per second on 18th July 2016 at 7.25pm, using a full spectrum converted Sony-HDR-PJ620 Handycam, fitted with an external 330nm UV pass filter (X-Nite 330).

Rather than moving in the same manner as an aquatic fish might do, this bio-form’s plasmatic, fish-like body appears to spin through itself, whilst the inner body shape remains constant. In the first frame (A) the object has just entered into view with the tail-like portion at the front. By the next frame (B) the main body shape has turned 180 degrees around, and is now facing the other way. In the next frame (C) we see a sudden flurry of movement, and this type of energetic propulsion has been noted several times in Hayes’ work (20). By the fourth frame (D) the object is again facing the same direction as in the first frame. The full recording can be seen on accompanying video (21).

The strikingly animal-like nature of these fish-like forms is unmistakeable. The use of tube structures to direct orgonotic flows is again apparent. Not only is the quality and crispness of the photographs evident but in addition movement over time is also noted from frame to frame. The same types of entity repeatedly make an appearance over both long and short time intervals.

8. Biological Appearances

The previous section evidenced the notable animal-like morphology of the fish-type posited bio-forms. Those forms were highlighted for their chronological behaviour in order to show that they have existence over time, which an artefact would be unlikely to display. However, the previous fish-like forms would also be an example of a biological appearance.

It underlines the connection to orgonomy that the bio-forms have been found using orgonotic methods. For example by using concentrations of orgone facilitated by cloudbusters or by orgonotic detection methods such as raised Geiger readings (which in turn indicate a raised oranur charge in orgonomy). This evidences that the bio-forms may possess concentrations of orgone energy, and possibly a high oranur charge. Additionally, they often have surprisingly biological or animal-like forms. This recent capture evidences a very large entity which appears like a huge cellular structure, much as C.S. Lewis described as “macrobes” in his science fiction novels, but being now possibly evidenced in reality. They are very reminiscent of Constable’s early bio-forms, here seen over half a century later and in another part of the world.


Figure 11 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form

Above Figure 11 (A) shows a large amoeba-like invisible possible bio-form photographed in the infrared by Hayes. The form moved directly above his research area on 24th February 2019, at 12.46pm. Due to the immense size of the bio-form, only part of the right side of the main body has been captured in the photograph, but its resemblance to the amoeba-like bioform photographed by Constable in the Mojave desert in 1957, and shown earlier in the paper is apparent. Figures 11 (B) and (C) show close-ups of the main body, and several markings resembling nucleoli and vacuoles, which are also evident in Constable’s amoeba photograph as seen in this example (D).

Haye’s image was captured using an infrared converted Sony Nex 5N digital camera, which has an internal 720nm infrared pass filter. The exposure for the photograph was 1/250th second. At the time of taking the shot Hayes felt an overwhelming emotional pull to photograph that particular part of the sky. Despite the huge size of this seemingly solid bio-form, he saw nothing remarkable as he proceeded to take the series of photographs. Interestingly, this area of sky had been the focal point of intense cloudbuster operation over the previous few days, as part of the attraction method used by Hayes in his photographic and video work. It is possible that the bio-form was attracted by the high orgone charge in and around the research area. In addition, the days beforehand had been unusually warm, with a high pressure weather ridge and a feeling of increased orgonotic charge.

The camera, which was hand-held at the time, was aimed directly up at the sky. One of the uppermost branches of the trees to the left of Hayes’ position can be seen in the top left of the photograph in (A). This branch helps to put the image into perspective as the trees are at least forty feet in height. It can be seen that the bio-form is clearly above this branch. Altogether, five successive infrared photographs were taken at the time. The four other photographs only showed a small part of the outside edge of the bio-form’s body, as it moved from right to left above the trees. However, the same characteristic body markings as seen in the main photograph, (A), are also clearly visible in these other images.

9. Anomalous Orgonotic Lumination in the Infrared

A rare, orgonotic phenomena is here presented – the first digital photographs of a strongly luminous, colour-capturing effect occurring in the infra-red, where no blue should normally be seen.  This is a highly anomalous phenomenon which appears not to have been evidenced as luminescence before, even by Constable. Blue, is of course, a primary colour for orgone. These amoeba-like forms may have both biological and crystalline characteristics.

Figure 12 – Night-time Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form in Orgonotic Colour

Above Figure 12 (A) shows a huge invisible possible plasmoidal bio-form, photographed by Hayes above his research area on the evening of March 5th 2019, at 9.11pm. This twenty second infrared exposure was taken in complete darkness, using an infrared converted Sony Nex-5N digital camera, with an internal 720nm infrared pass filter. Despite the large size of the object, nothing was visible to the eye at the time of taking the shot. Although self-illumined in the subsequent capture, the bio-form image appeared faint at first during raw perusal of the photograph. Brightness and contrast adjustment have helped to bring out body markings and colour in more detail.

The infrared camera’s white balance was set during daylight hours using a patch of green grass, which generally results in an almost black and white image when used in a night-time situation. It is unknown how the bluish/purple illumination of the bio-form has manifested on the photograph. The 720nm infrared pass filter is designed to block all visible light from reaching the camera’s sensors, apart from a small amount of red light that occurs just before the infrared. Colours at the other end of the visible light spectrum such as blue, purple and violet should be completely blocked by the filter, and not be appearing anywhere on the photograph.

Similar markings resembling vacuoles, as can be seen in the previous amoeba photographs, are noted on the bio-form’s body. An area of intense white light, which appears to have created something that resembles a lens flare, can also be seen. With its straight edges and stealth-like appearance, it is understandable that this type of phenomena could be misidentified as a constructed craft if photographed or filmed from a distance. However, the characteristic body markings clearly identify this as a biological entity.

Above Figure 12 (B), was taken immediately after (A) and shows the same biological entity photographed again, but this time using a 10 second exposure. In this photograph the bio-form appears much larger in size, almost taking up the whole frame, and despite this, the markings (noted in the photograph as “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”) appear to be the roughly the same size as in Figure 12 (A). In Figure 12 (A) the two outside markings (“A” and “D”) are much closer to the left and right edges, whereas in Figure 12 (B) these same markings (“A” and “D”) are much further away from the outside edges. This suggests that the object has not moved nearer to the camera, but has instead expanded and increased in size.

Another noticeable difference between the two images is apparent when looking at the two bottom edges of the posited bio-form. In Figure 12 (A), which is the 20 second exposure, a clear layering can be seen to the bottom edges. However, in the 10 second exposure, in (B), this layered effect is not as clearly defined, despite the fact that the bio-form image is much larger. The bluish/purple colouration as seen in (A) is much darker in comparison to (B). As mentioned previously, such colouration should not appear on the photograph at all due to the filter and white-balance settings.

Constable found a similar discrepancy with the accepted known origin of colour (22). In 1975 he managed to film unseen possible bio-forms from an airplane window at 30,000 feet, using a Minolta XL-400 movie camera he had set to shoot at 2 frames per second. The camera was loaded with standard Ektachrome 160 colour film, and fitted with an external 18A ultraviolet pass filter. This creates an artificial darkness during daylight hours. Although the 18A is predominantly an ultraviolet filter, it also passes a certain amount of infrared radiation as well, whilst blocking the visible light spectrum.  Constable found that using this set-up he was able to capture unseen life-forms in full colour (See Figure 13). This is despite the fact that the 18A filter is designed to block the visible light spectrum. He theorised that these colours were being created between the lens and the camera filter, and he called this mingling of these two invisible ends of the light spectra, the reverse or dark spectrum. It could be considered an, “orgonotic dark spectrum” whereby the orgone rather than light is reacting with the photographic process creating an otherwise unseen range of colour. This also indicates that the entities may possess very high orgone charges.

Figure 13 – Plasmoidal Bio-form in Full Colour

Above Figure 13 shows a possible invisible plasmoidal bio-form photographed by Constable from the window of an airliner in November 1975, at around 10.30am. The colour image was taken using a Minolta XL-400 Super 8mm movie camera loaded with standard Ektachrome 160 colour film, and fitted with an 18A ultraviolet pass filter, and was set to shoot at 2 frames per second. The 18A filter absorbs the visible light spectrum, whilst passing its two invisible ends – the infrared and the ultraviolet. This creates an artificial darkness during daylight hours, something Constable refers to as the “reverse” or “dark-spectrum” technique as noted previously. He theorized that the diffuse blue effect towards the top of image was probably due to illuminated orgone energy, connected in some way to the objects propulsion as it paced the airliner at 30,000 feet, at around 500 miles per hour. Constable saw nothing at the time of taking the photograph, and was shooting “blind” from the window of the airplane as he flew between San Jose and Long Beach. This photograph is featured on the front cover of Constable’s book, Sky Creatures – Living UFOs (23), which was a revised and re-edited pocket-sized version of The Cosmic Pulse of Life. A black and white version of this photograph also features in the Sky Creatures book as well as in the re-issue of The Cosmic Pulse of Life (24).

Figure 14 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-forms around Street Lamp

Above Figure 14 shows three invisible possible amoeba-like bio-forms. They were photographed hovering in the vicinity of a street light near Hayes’ home, on September 24th 2017, at 10.37pm. The image was taken using an infrared converted Canon G10 digital camera, with an internal 720nm infrared pass filter, and exposure time was 1/60th second. The photograph was taken as a result of repeated Geiger counter indications, showing that radiation levels had reached and exceeded the 0.20 μSv/hr threshold set for detection purposes by Hayes (which is slightly over the normal background of approximately 0.09 to 0.12 μSv/hr usually found by the researcher). Occasionally Hayes has detected raised Geiger readings up to 0.5 μSv/hr for a few seconds immediately preceding the passing of a large bio-form. This reading then recedes fairly quickly within 1 to 3 seconds approximately.

Several photographs were taken at the location, but the objects only appeared in this one image. A standard camera flash has been used in combination with the infrared camera, and has lit up the bio-forms, making them register in the infrared. From nearly a decade of photographic work, both in the infrared and the ultraviolet, Hayes found that many of these types of phenomena, which are not self-illumined generally, require some type of illumination to register on cameras/camcorders. This can be sunlight (during daylight hours), the white-light of a standard camera flash, or an infrared/ultraviolet light source. Many more types of invisible phenomena are their own light source but require either sunlight, or any other type of light source to illuminate them further.

The same characteristic markings that are present on the other amoeba images, are also evident on the lower two bio-forms above, and these have been marked “A”, “B”, and “C”. The half moon-shaped bio-form has a brilliant radiance to it, and like the two lower examples, also has a similar layered effect, which is more prominent towards the outside edge. This layered effect can also be observed in Figure 12 (A) and (B).

Of interest is that Boccone’s GRCU team also documented such cases of possible invisible bio-forms hovering near streetlights at night. Time-lapse infrared photographs often revealed their luminous trails as they moved between lights, partaking in what Boccone describes as, ‘energy vampirism’ (25).

Figure 15 – Comparison of Bio-form’s Body Markings

Above Figure 15 shows the clear similarity between the markings that are present on the various possible bio-forms featured in this section. Figure 15, (A), (B), (C) and (D) show the round vacuole-like markings. However, (E) and (F) show the long finger-like markings that appear on the outermost edge of two of the bio-forms. (D) shows part of the amoeba-like bio-form photographed by Constable in the Mojave Desert in 1957 (26), and although these vacuole-like markings appear much fainter than the other examples, they are definitely present.

10. Bio-form Sizes

The anomalies photographed by Hayes appear in many different sizes but it is difficult to ascertain their exact dimensions. In many cases only a small part of a rooftop or the uppermost branches of a tree canopy provide a visual reference point within the scene.

A majority of the footage is also taken spontaneously as a result of rapidly changing Geiger readings. This makes it difficult to compose the shots beforehand to include multiple known reference points in order to triangulate the position and size of the anomalies. However, Hayes is considering further multiple camera research to address these difficulties and enable some basic triangulation of size.

The above issues are further complicated due to many of the possible bio-form’s high speed movement. They are also generally not fully self-illumined, with many only becoming visible to the lens of the infrared or ultraviolet camera when filmed reflecting sunlight from a certain angle. They are often only visible for a moment when they enter an “illumination zone” set up by Hayes. A rooftop is used to block the main body of sunlight but to allow illumination of the entities. Hayes calls this the, “sun obliteration technique”.

The above means the bio-forms can usually only be captured in specific locations and at certain angles. From years of intense research however, Hayes’s estimates the size of the bio-forms to range from as small as 20cms right up to 25 meters or more across, with the average being around a metre long. He considers that even larger examples, yet to be recorded, may exist in the atmosphere. 

11. British Evidence Conclusion

A summary of the highlights of nearly a decade of painstaking work has been detailed. Hundreds of hours of meticulous work have gone into each collection of photographs and videos. The quality revealed is at the very highest level and brings new evidence using the latest digital equipment. Overall, it supports claims as to the veracity of Constable’s orgonotic bio-forms.

Evidence of bio-forms has been detailed in the following categories:

  • Stereoscopic Video
  • Three Dimensionality
  • Plasma Movement
  • Complex Movement
  • Herd Movement
  • Chronological Existence
  • Biological Appearances
  • Anomalous Orgonotic Lumination in the Infrared.

The above has been detailed using high quality photographs, video stills and special video accompaniments (see References or Appendix 2 for links).

Multiple camera evidence of the same posited entity has been evidenced. This further supports claims as to the reality of the bio-forms and provides positive stereo type evidence. Artefacts would be unlikely to be seen on multiple cameras filming simultaneously.

As with Boccone’s and Collin’s findings discussed in Part One, Hayes’ anomalies were accompanied by environmental changes recorded on instrumentation. This was mainly a Geiger radiation reading indicating high oranur charge in the presence of the entities. Environmental changes occurring with the entities, also indicates their possible reality.

12. Overall Conclusion

The high quality evidence of Constable’s work and Boccone’s GRCU team as outlined in Part One of the paper, alongside Hayes’ striking new British evidence in Part Two, supports the existence of possible orgonotic bio-forms.

The evidence against the bio-forms has been shown to be lacking in quality and explainable as mistaken procedure. The artefact argument put forward to explain the bio-forms is also flawed. The anomalous nature of the entities is evidenced experimentally by Collins (27) and by Hayes and Boccone, due to the accompanying energy peak. This energy peak indicates a raised oranur charge associated with the entities. This presumably reflects increased orgonotic activity in the form of particulate or pre-particulate charged particles found within the Geiger counter when in the vicinity of the bio-forms.

As argued in the first part of the paper in Section 2, (Evidence Against the Bio-forms) mechanical anomalies do not look like the bio-form photographs, nor would they appear in clusters and additionally they are difficult to intentionally produce.

There is however supporting evidence of high quality, from the USA, Britain, Italy and some supplementary evidence from Romania in the following areas:

  • Stereoscopic video (Hayes)
  • Multiple camera evidence (Hayes, Boccone, Constable)
  • Three dimensionality
  • Plasma movement
  • Complex movement
  • Herd movement
  • Chronological continuity
  • Biological appearance

This paper therefore concludes that the evidence against Constable’s claims is poor and should be dismissed. The photographic evidence does not withstand scrutiny. The mechanical artefact theory is inadequate. The halations and air-bell theory does not explain the evidence.

The evidence supporting the existence of orgonotic bio-forms is in contrast of good quality and broad in range. It pertains from four different countries, a good number of researchers and commenced from the 1950s to the present day. It appears any such posited bio-forms would likely carry an oranur charge. Geiger radiation readings especially indicate a high oranur charge as discussed.

Although we have as yet not been able to find Boccone’s extensive archive, it is known that a number of multiple camera shots of the same entities were reported and were taken by the 25 person Italian team. Additionally, this paper has presented new multi-camera British video evidence of the same anomaly. Both Constable and Dr. Woods also reported photographing the same entities simultaneously.

The possible physical existence of bio-forms appears to be based upon living orgonotic plasma. This is evidenced by the interaction between the posited bio-forms and Reich cloudbusters as well as the instrumentation changes.

Tangentially, this research also supports the view that orgone itself is capable of supporting consciousness without a material boundary. Life may only require energetic parameters in order to manifest. Bio-forms, if real, appear to have pulsation, orgonotic plasma and a high orgone charge. In addition they may have an energetic boundary and would thus perhaps qualify as living from an orgonotic perspective (having living plasma, pulsation and an external border). Lastly, it is noted that they travel in the northern hemisphere from west to east, following the flow of orgone that Reich thought enveloped and rotated the Earth.


The authors would like to thank the following people in particular for their contribution to both parts of this paper:

  • The late Trevor James Constable.
  • The late Luciano Boccone.
  • Paul Tice at The Book Tree for photograph permissions.
  • Roberto Maglione for his efforts in contacting Italian publishers and researchers and for his extensive editorial guidance.
  • Professor Florin Gheorghitza – an overview interview here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alF6pT6SzIw&t=294s
  • Claudio Bertieri at Ivaldi Editore for permission to use the GRCU photographs from La Realta Nascosta.


  1.  Hayes, N. (2019) Accompanying Video to Figure 1, Stereo Video Sequence of Plasmatic Form, https://youtu.be/QemzHsG_9iI
  2.  Hayes, N. Ibid.
  3.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 132.
  4.  Hayes, N. Ibid, pp 131.
  5.  Maglione, R. (2018) The Origin of an Oranur Reaction, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, http://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/the-origin-of-an-oranur-reaction
  6.  Southgate, L. (2018) , Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence, and other Observations Associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device
  7. Hayes, N. (2017) http://www.questfortheinvisibles.co.uk/invisible-ufos
  8. Reich, W. (1973) The Cancer Biopathy, Vision Press.
  9. Reich, W. (1938) The Bion Experiments, Farrer, Strauss and Giroux, USA or Reich, W. (1972) The Cancer Biopathy, Vision Press, UK pp14 -74 see also, Diamond and Reidpath (1989) SAPA Bions, Journal of Orgonomy, Vol 23, Num 2 pp219-223, or Jones, P. (2013) Artificers of Fraud, The Origin of Life and Scientific Deception, available from www.orgonomyuk.org.uk  or Demeo, J. (2002) Bion-Biogenesis Progress Report, Pulse of the Planet Num. 5. Natural Energy Works, pp 100 – 113.
  10.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 134/135.
  11.  Hayes, N. (2019) Complex Movement of Winged Bio-forms, Accompanying Video to Figure 5, https://youtu.be/cTTeafuACek
  12.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 118.
  13.  Hayes, N. (2019) Herd Movement of Spinning Jenny’s, Accompanying Video to Figure 6, https://youtu.be/1IYlPz0fukI
  14.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 144.
  15.  Reich, W. (1960) Selected Writings, Ed – Higgins, Farraux, Strauss and Giroux, USA, pp 438.
  16.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 142.
  17.  Hayes, N., Ibid, pp 142.
  18.  Reich, W. (1960) Selected Writings, Ed- Higgins, Farraux, Strauss and G, USA, pp 438.
  19.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 143.
  20.  Hayes, N. (2019) Spinning Jennys Propulsion video or book.
  21.  Hayes, N. (2019) Accompanying Video to Figure 10 Four Consecutive Frames of an Invisible Fish-like Bio-form. https://youtu.be/iNEpbkqkGN0
  22.  Constable, T. (1978) Sky Creatures – Living UFOs, Saucerian Books, Cover Photo.
  23. Constable, T. Ibid, pp 11 of photograph section.
  24.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 288.
  25.  Constable, T. (1981) Electric Vampirism, Critters and UFOs, Journal of Borderland Research, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 15 – 20.
  26.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp259.
  27.  Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books, Figure 35, Anomaly Statistics Graph pp 196 see also ‘psycho-interactive’ explanation for the anomalies, pp196.

Appendix 1

List of Figures and Copyright

Figure 1 – Hayes’ Stereoscopic Evidence
Figure 2 – Three Dimensionality Part 1
Figure 3 – Three Dimensionality Part 2
Figure 4 – Plasma Movement
Figure 5 – Complex Movement
Figure 6 – Herd Movement
Figure 7 – Fish-like Bio-forms Part 1
Figure 8 – Fish-like Bio-forms Part 2
Figure 9 – Fish-like Bio-forms Part 3
Figure 10 – Four Consecutive Frames of an Invisible Fish-like Bio-form
Figure 11 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form
Figure 12 – Night-time Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form in Orgonotic Colour
Figure 13 – Plasmoidal Bio-form in Full Colour
Figure 14 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-forms around Street Lamp
Figure 15 – Comparison of Bio-form’s Body Markings

Figures 1-10, 11 (A) (B) (C), 12, 14, 15 (A) (B) (C) (E) (F) – Hayes
Figures 11 (D), 13, 15 (D) – Trevor James Constable


Appendix 2 – Accompanying Video-Links


Figure 1: Stereo Video Sequence of Plasmatic Form:



Figure 5: Moving Bio-form



Figure 6: ‘Spinning Jenny’ Invisible Bio-forms



Figure 10: Fish like Invisible Bio-form



Nik Hayes

Nik Hayes is a UK based author and researcher. He first became interested in photographing invisible energetic phenomena after a low altitude encounter with a large, strange, visibly pulsating object on Christmas day, 2008. Unable to find a satisfactory explanation of what he had seen, he eventually discovered the work of Trevor James Constable, through his books The Cosmic Pulse of Life and They Live in the Sky (1).It was through this that he became aware of the work of the Italian research group, the GRCU, as well as Luciano Boccone’s rare book, UFO-La Realta Nascosta (2).

Influenced by this earlier work, Hayes began a quest to gather his own photographic evidence of invisible energetic phenomena. After designating a research area on some land adjacent to his house situated in countryside near Oxford, he constructed a cloudbuster, and began using infrared photography and movie footage. He spent much of the first year concentrating on the infrared part of the spectrum, but within a short time was also recording ultraviolet footage. He also used a Geiger radiation counter for energy peak detection purposes. Geiger counters are known to be reactive to orgone charge.

In 2011 Hayes created the Quest for the Invisibles (QFTI) YouTube channel, on which he uploaded videos of the various phenomena he had captured using infrared and ultraviolet recording equipment.

Hayes continued with his photographic work right through until the late summer of 2015, at which point he began compiling his research notes and photographic evidence into what would be published as Quest for the Invisibles by The Book Tree, California (3). Shortly after the publication of the book Hayes started the Quest for the Invisibles website (4). After the launch of the site Hayes began what would eventually form a two year photographic investigation into invisible night-time phenomena. He managed to photograph a whole range of apparently invisible phenomenon, not just in the skies, but also at a much lower altitude. Hayes has been interviewed on UK and internet radio and regularly gives talks about his work.

  1. Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree and also Constable, T. (1958) They Live in the Sky (Original Edition).Saucerian Books.
  2.  Boccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality), Italy, Ivaldi Editore
  3.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California.
  4. Hayes, N. (2019) http://www.questfortheinvisibles.co.uk


Leon Southgate MSc

From a family of psychotherapists and teachers I was introduced to orgonomy at a young age. As an adult my interest was rekindled, doing an MSc research degree in Chinese medicine and orgonomy. In 2002, a double blind, placebo controlled study was completed (N = 72). It confirmed an effect from orgone devices upon acupuncture (P = 0.03). An article about the study was published in the European Journal of Oriental Medicine in 2003. The theoretical side of the study outlined dozens of new parallels. It was later published as a book by German publishers LAP.

Southgate started an orgonomic PhD but the access to laboratory work became difficult so the project ended but a comprehensive (though not complete) Annotated Literature Review of the Post-Reich Journals was written and made available for free online.

Southgate is focused on examining orgone and its relationship to consciousness.

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Posted in Orgone BiophysicsComments (3)

Positive Findings On Constable’s Orgonotic Bio-Forms

Positive Findings On Constable’s Orgonotic Bio-Forms

Part One: American & European Evidence

By Nik Hayes and Leon Southgate MSc

Editor’s comment,

The authors of this article revisit the work and findings of Trevor James Constable, and compared it with new data from Italian, US and Romanian researchers. When they were initially published, Trevor James Constable’s work was viewed with some skepticism in Orgonomy circles, and to some was considered unscientific, even mystical. The authors of this article invoke that skepticism with regard to Constable’s work. At the same time, the authors discuss new investigational findings that corroborate Constable’s own findings and results. In scientific and historical terms the article should hold interest for our readers. However the editor would like to emphasis the controversies surrounding Constable’s findings as well as recommend readers’ cautious discretion.

1.0 Synopsis and Introduction

1.1 Synopsis

Trevor James Constable, somewhat of a maverick even within orgonomy circles, claimed to have found evidence for plasmatic living forms in the atmosphere, living orgone entities. There has been a view within orgonomy that Constable’s claims have not been widely supported and that his claimed evidence has been shown to be flawed.

Part One of this paper will outline that Constable’s evidence was not dismissed satisfactorily. It describes key aspects of Constable’s US evidence from the 1950s. It also notes high quality but less known evidence from Italy and Romania from the 1980s.

Part Two will outline recent, substantial new British evidence.

The data as a whole is presented as supporting the proposal that plasmatic creatures may possibly be factual.

This first part of the paper is divided into the following sections:

  • Synopsis and Introduction
  • Summary of Orgonotic Qualities of Posited Bio-forms
  • Evidence Against the Bio-forms
  • Constable’s Evidence for Bio-forms
  • Italian and European Evidence for Bio-forms
  • Conclusion of US and European Evidence
  • References and Appendices.

1.2 Introduction

Trevor James Constable, a native New Zealander, first began his photographic pursuit of invisible entities in the Mojave Desert of Southern California in 1957. Having already developed a deep interest in invisible phenomena during the 1950s, Constable became particularly interested in cases where objects had been detected by radar, yet remained unseen to human sight.

Realising that the infrared portion of the spectrum adjoins the microwave spectrum, the portion of the spectrum in which radar operates, he decided to begin his search there. After initially experimenting with Kodak low-speed black and white infrared film, Constable eventually settled for the high-speed alternative. Although he would often use an 870 nanometre (nm) infrared pass filter in conjunction with the infrared film, he also took many photographs without it, with equally detailed results.

In the summer of 1957, Constable, along with friend and fellow researcher Dr. James Woods began driving at night to a remote area in the Mojave Desert between Yucca Valley and Old Woman Springs in Western USA. Once there they would set up camp, ready to begin their work at first light.

In order to attract the unknown entities to his position Constable would perform cyclical repetitions of the Star Exercise, an esoteric procedure by which the whole body and its life-force can be strongly energised. Performance of the exercise in this manner is thought to send a regular pattern of bio-energetic pulsations into the aether. Typically, Constable would stand on a large rock and perform the exercise, acting as a bio-energetic beacon, while Woods acted as photographer, although Constable also had a camera at the ready.

Constable would face the quadrant (north, south, east or west) in which the sun is closest at the time he commenced the exercise. For instance, in the morning before dawn he would face the east. Standing with legs apart and arms parallel to the ground, he would gently oscillate the body across the north – south and the east – west lines of the earth. In a sensitive person a warm sensation can then be felt in the palms of the hands, and in the region of the thymus at the point of resonance. These indications will help a person to "tune" into the magnetic and related fields of the earth.

Performing the Star Exercise involves finding this resonance point while facing east, then turning 180 degrees around to the right, and finding it again while facing west, then 90 degrees to the right and finding it while facing north, then 180 degrees to the right and finding it again while facing south. Constable would perform up to a hundred repetitions of the exercise at a time in order to attract unseen entities. This esoteric procedure is thought to create a concentration of life-force or orgone charge in the local atmosphere. This is then hoped to attract the posited entities (which are thought to be attuned to the increased orgone charge).

In order to objectify these objects, that he thought might be in the invisible state, Constable would use a technique learnt from his days in the US Merchant Marine, in which he served as a radio officer for 26 years. The technique was used for objectifying ships as they were coming over the horizon, and involved relaxing the eyes to a point where one looks past the sky, rather than actually at it. Using this simple method Constable found he could obtain impressions of otherwise invisible phenomena, such as flashes of light, or sometimes a shimmering variation in the otherwise blue sky. The authors have also found that this kind of "soft sight" is critical in observing orgonotic phenomena in the environment. Woods reported that he would often have a sour taste in his mouth when these objects were nearby. This could indicate an oranur effect as this is a known symptom of high oranur charge according to Reich (1). Oranur is an energy created when concentrated orgone is excited by a stimulus, for example by radioactive, electrical or mechanical means.

Upon later discovering the work of Dr Wilhelm Reich, through his daughter Eva Reich MD, Constable began building a cloudbuster based on the basic inventions of Dr. Reich, and on May 11th 1968 he began using it in place of the Star Exercise as an attraction technique. The cloudbuster is an array of parallel, hollow, metal tubes that are mounted on a turntable or some type of pivoting assembly. One end of the array of pipes is grounded into running water, while the other end is directed toward the atmosphere. Its use magnifies the differentials in the primary orgone energy field that may underlie atmospheric movement. This can precipitate changes in weather patterns. Orgone is attracted to water and moves toward higher concentrations of itself – a reversed entropy. Previously smooth fields of atmospheric orgone in the sky can be made to concentrate into eddies, or dissipate, depending on where the cloudbuster is aimed. Its operation also appears to affect other possible, more aetheric planes of existence.

1.3 Summary of the Possible Orgonotic Qualities of the Posited Bio-Forms

The posited bio-forms are thought to have the following orgonotic qualities:

  • Attraction to areas of higher orgone charge
  • Attraction to cloudbusters (cloudbusters may create an increased orgone charge in the local environment).
  • Demonstrating movement within the environmental orgone streams that Reich noted (west to east) (2).
  • A tube-like physiology of the posited bio-forms may reflect orgonotic flows (orgone flows within tubes in the orgonoscope, cloudbuster, DOR-buster and space-gun).
  • Responsive to consciousness (this assumes that Southgate’s orgone continuum theory is correct, see (3) for further on the continuum theory).

These areas will be explored in the paper.

2. Evidence Against Plasmatic Forms


An article was published by Demeo claiming the dismissal of the existence of Constable’s plasmatic forms. Demeo notes that he had tried to reproduce Constable’s anomalies himself by taking infrared photos within proximity to a working cloudbuster. Demeo admits, ‘something unusual did register on the film’ (4). He acknowledges that orgone fields from his cloudbuster did affect infrared films.
However, elsewhere, Demeo puts forward a second hypothesis concerning the anomalies – that they are just mechanical camera artefacts (5). Demeo then concludes that Collin’s claimed stereoscopic pictures of a bio-form type anomaly – see below (6), showing differences in each frame, completely dismissed Constable’s claims.


Collins is an esoteric writer based in the UK. He aimed to recreate the high energy situations used by Constable in the original bio-forms research by having people meditate in groups and concurrently using a small Reich cloudbuster. This was in England in 1993 and 1994. Alongside the meditations and small cloudbuster, Collins had physical parameters measured, such as Geiger radiation counts. Photography was undertaken to try and detect unusual occurrences during the meditation sessions. In particular, Collins wanted to use stereo photography to examine Constable’s claims.

The stereo adaptor (Pentax Stereo Adaptor, early 1990s model) that Demeo thought Collins used on a single camera is intended for making 3D pictures from analogue film. Perhaps a manufactured twin lens camera or multiple camera evidence may have been a more reliable method of taking two exposures of the same environment simultaneously. Part Two of this paper will present new multi-camera British evidence. Multi-camera evidence is also known to have been collected by Italian researchers although we have not been able to locate it as yet.

In the picture of his experimental camera set up published by Collins, no stereo adaptor is in evidence. Rather, two cameras appear to be linked by cable to what looks like a hand-held dual timer (7). It is possible that the stereo pictures were taken by hand, using a dual timer, on two cameras. Some aspects of the picture in question suggest that this was the case as will be argued shortly.

Collins published a claimed stereo image reportedly taken at the exact same time showing different anomalies in each half frame (8). Demeo reproduced this image, calling it a ‘definitive’ dismissal of Constable’s bio-forms (9).

The authors have doubts about Collin’s photographic technique. He does not specifically outline that the stereo photographs were taken with the equipment that Demeo describes. Demeo states, ‘the "sky critter" theory was eventually disproven definitively in an experiment…using a stereo image camera, which takes two photos of the same film frame, using two separate lenses on the same camera box’ (10).

Technical wording to this effect does not appear in Collin’s book. However, in another separate section of the book he does describe obtaining a stereo adaptor. It is this adaptor which Demeo describes and assumes that Collins used. The actual photograph by Collins is of poor quality and this alone should cause it to be rejected as central evidence, but in addition. there are doubts as to its veracity.

Collins published a frame showing the camera set up presumably used for the stereo photographs. Collins had two tripods and two cameras set up connected, as described previously, by what appears to be a hand-held timer, though this is not actually stated (11). There are two cameras on tripods at different heights, about 2 feet apart in width and 1 foot apart in height. Neither camera appears to have the stereo attachment described by Demeo. An analogue timer, such as appears to be in the frame, could result in a tiny split second differential between the two photographs. This would depend on the types of camera used and their individual response and focusing times when activated by a common trigger mechanism (12).

Figure 1 – Hayes’ Sketch of Collin’s Claimed Stereo Image

Above in Figure 1, a sketch is shown of the stereo photographs in question (13). The sketches are an accurate representation of the photographs, showing the position of key features such as the group of people meditating (bottom right) and their angle in relation to both the horizon, and the edge of the grassy area they are sitting on. The positions of the multiple dark anomalies can be seen in the sky above the meditating people in Figure 1 (B). However, there is just one anomaly in Figure 1 (A) in the sky nearer the trees.  There is extensive dark smudging on the right hand side of (A) and also on the left hand side of (B).

The white arrows point to a noticeable difference in appearance concerning the shape of the tree branches in each frame. In (B) a definite bend can be seen in the branch, whereas in (A), this bend is not so apparent. This is probably the result of the branch being photographed at a slightly different angle in each shot, and could suggest that (A) was taken slightly further to the left of the tree than in (B), making the bend in the branch not so prominent in the photograph (due to the decreased angle of the shot).

It is also not clear that the position of the meditating people is exactly the same in each frame, the distance between them and the head and limb angles may not be exactly parallel. Attention is drawn to the position of the people meditating (highlighted by the purple arrows). Their position in relation to the right-hand side of the frame appears to change. In (A) there is a noticeable gap between the last person on the right meditating, and the actual right side edge of the picture. Yet in (B) the image of the people is cut off at the right-side edge. This shows that the centre point for each photograph may have been in a different place. It suggests that (A) was taken slightly further to the left than (B).

It can be clearly seen that the extreme left-hand side edge of (A) starts at the fourth tree to the left. Whereas in (B) the extreme left-hand side of the photograph continues further to the left of the fourth tree, but is ultimately obscured by the smudging. The trees also appear at slightly different angles and to be of slightly different sizes in the left and right frames. This suggests that one photograph was taken slightly further away. In (B) the image of the tree is cut off by the top of the photograph, whereas in (A) there is clearly a space above.

No reason is given why there is extensive smudging on the right side of (A) and the left side of (B). The environmental details of a stereo photograph should be identical on both sides and free of mechanically caused defects.

The anomalies themselves are poor grey blobs lacking in detail compared to work outlined in this paper yet they are presented as a centrepiece of evidence dismissing the bio-forms. It is not clear what exposure times and camera equipment had been used.

It is known from Hayes work (see Section 4) that the claimed bio-forms may be incredibly fast moving. According to Hayes’ approximate calculations, some bio-forms types may be travelling in the region of 140 mph (225 kph) and sometimes even faster. If there was even a tiny fraction of an instant between the shots being taken this could account for the anomaly differences in Collin’s frames. These types of phenomena are also known to blink in and out of the infrared in a fraction of a second, often only appearing in one shot when several are taken. One can see anomalies possibly moving from one frame to the other in one plate that Collins published (14). Also the anomalies seem to be in similar places in two further pictures which Collins does note (15). In Figure 1 above one can see that the anomaly marked, "A" could be the same anomaly in both frames but having moved several feet laterally within the exposure time.

There is also a stereo photograph published by Collins which does show the same images on each side of the stereo frames (16).  However this is described as a ‘fluke’ (17). But the same level of evidence dismissing Constable is taken as throwing ‘severe’ doubt not only on Constable, but also on Boccone and Reich’s work (18). Reich’s photographic experiments (19) involving the blocking of light reactions on analogue plates, caused by strong localised orgone fields, is not in the same category of phenomena as Constable, Boccone and Hayes’ environmental photographs. It is closer to Nordenstrum’s biological work (20). Collins is incorrect to claim its dismissal; his work is not relevant to Reich’s photography. One would have to show that apparatus claimed to produce orgone concentrations does not affect photographic equipment kept within that apparatus in order to counter Reich’s claims. This has not been done.

In the applicable section it is noted that Collins does not mention the exact equipment, exposure times, camera types and environmental information pertaining to the claimed stereo photographs.

Lastly, Collins has evidence which strongly supports Constable’s claims. This is because Collins other experimental data contradicts Demeo’s mechanical artefact argument. Collins found that his anomalies, statistically, were concentrated in groups and were accompanied by rises in other data such as increased Geiger radiation counts (21). Collins also noted that his intentionally produced defects did not in any way mirror the many actual anomalies he saw, (over 70 experimental anomalies in a short period of time) (22). So the ‘air bells’ or ‘halations’ artefact explanations of Demeo concerns something which happens only very rarely, if at all, in the normal processing of films (23). Air bells or halations are gaps in the chemical processing caused by air bubbles on the paper occurring during development. They are rare, difficult to cause, and when they do occur, they do not have the same appearance as Collin’s or Constable’s anomalies (24).


Demeo found that orgone concentrations affected infra-red photography (25). This supports the contention, shared by Reich, that orgone energy concentrations can be photographed.

Collin’s evidence against Constable’s claims is inconclusive photographically. His other experimental data, such as anomaly clusters and Geiger counts are actually supportive of Constable’s claims. It evidences something happening in the environment at the time of the anomalies. Collins therefore rejected a mechanical camera artefact basis to the phenomena. Some energetic or non-local process is causing the photographic anomalies in his view.

3. US Evidence for Plasmatic Entities – from Constable

Constable’s first capture of a posited invisible bio-form in the infrared came on the morning of 25th Aug 1957. Whilst sitting down for breakfast at his desert campsite, he sensed an overpowering pulsation above, and saw what he describes as a, ‘shimmering variation to the otherwise smooth blue background.’ (26).

Using his loaded Leica camera, he proceeded to photograph the invisible pulsation as it moved above him. He managed to capture the object in six successive frames as it moved from overhead to positions that permitted inclusion of the local desert terrain in the photographs (See Figure 2).

Constable and Woods were also able to capture infrared movie footage of invisible bio-forms using a movie camera and infrared film. Five frames of this footage appeared in The Cosmic Pulse of Life (27). In these consecutive frames, taken at 24 frames per second, the bio-forms can be seen moving above Constable during his performance of the Star Exercise in the Mojave Desert just before sunrise. The bio-forms appear to be splitting, changing shape and position, and also seem at one point to divide like amoebae. Constable concluded through his work that such materialisations into the infrared occur as a response to certain positions, motions and orientations of the, ‘target human’ (28).

Both Constable and Woods continued with their photographic work for many years, capturing dozens of examples of possible invisible bio-forms, both at their desert site, and above Mount Wilson, California. Their many infrared photographs showed a wide range of different examples of spherical, cigar-shape, ovoid, and disc-like invisible plasmatic forms. Constable would later state that only 1% of the total infrared photographs (taken when he had detected possible bio-forms being present) actually yielded any results. It is painstaking work.

Constable carried on with his photographic work away from the desert site, renting an office space in North Hollywood, California, from where he would perform the necessary attraction process prior to taking the infrared photographs. He took several photographs showing both the invisible bio-forms and apparent craft-like objects right over the North Hollywood Business District. The proximity of hundreds of workers within a few blocks argues against the idea that these objects were normally visible. He continued on with his solo work until 1979, before finally retiring from investigating the bio-forms to concentrate on weather engineering. He eventually went on to develop a marine, cloudbuster based, weather engineering system, which was later demonstrated on commercial video.

Figure 2 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form

Above Figure 2 (A) shows the amoeba-like invisible possible bio-form photographed by Constable, on the morning of 25th August 1957, in the Mojave Desert, California. This was the first photograph taken by Constable as the bio-form moved immediately above his position, and was taken using a Leica G 35mm camera loaded with Kodak High-Speed infrared film, and fitted with an 870nm infrared pass filter. The bio-form has markings resembling nucleoli and vacuoles, and has the general appearance of a unicellular organism from the microscopic world (29)

Above Figure 2 (B) shows the fourth in the series of infrared photographs taken by Constable as the bio-form moved from immediately above his position, and off above the desert. This enabled him to capture known desert features in the photograph, as well as giving an indication as to its true size. Throughout the series of photographs taken by Constable of the possible life-form, it is quite evident that the object appeared to swell and expand in size as it moves in a pulsatory manner. Many of the characteristic markings apparent in Figure 2 (A) above, are also visible in the other successive photographs. This demonstrates morphological continuity and development over time (30).

Figure 3 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form, Further Shots

The above Figure 3 shows the last infrared photograph of the series taken by Constable of the cell-like form, and indicates that the object or entities photographed were possibly living creatures. The upper entity seems to be of the same order as the amoeba-like invisible bio-form captured in the previous photographs published by Constable, and as shown in Figure 2. The lower of the two objects in Figure 3 however appears slightly different in shape, with two eye-like features, a concave face, and a protuberance highly suggestive of a beak or bill (31).

Figure 4 – Trevor Constable Surrounded by Invisible Plasmoidal Bio-forms

The above Figure 4 shows Constable in the Mojave Desert at sunrise, surrounded by what appears to be invisible plasmoidal bio-forms. This photograph was taken at 1/25th sec by James Woods on 26th April 1958, at 5am, using high speed infrared film. Both Constable and Woods objectified and photographed the invisible bio-forms independently of each other, with each taking multiple images of the same event (32). That so many anomalies would appear at the same time and on multiple cameras makes it very unlikely to be mechanical artefacts. Problems with the artefact explanation have also been detailed in Section 2.

The bio-forms appear to be contracting and expanding as they move through the air, only registering on the infrared film because their particular energy is nullifying the film’s emulsions rather than actually reacting with the film as is the normal case. This lack of emulsion reaction has created dark voids on the photograph. Some lighter areas can also be seen that are a direct result of the bio-forms movement as they expand within the 1/25th second exposure. Constable, as well as Boccone also reported instances where the images of these objects had burned themselves directly onto the infrared film despite the camera shutter being closed; manifesting between frames, albeit with diminished intensity (33). This may indicate, from an orgonomic viewpoint, that the possible bio-forms could have a very high oranur charge. Oranur, as an excited state of orgone, could have an enhanced photographic effect over an ordinary concentration of orgone. The posited entities themselves, as possible living forms, would likely have a significantly raised level of orgone compared to the environmental background. Any excited state of orgone possessed by the entities would itself qualify as oranur, due to oranur being simply stimulated orgone. This possible oranur quality has been noted instrumentally with raised Geiger counts associated with the passing entities by both Hayes and the Boccone team (34). The Geiger counts may reflect excited orgone (oranur) converting or partially converting into particles, which are then picked up by the Geiger counter. There is a period of approximately one or two seconds where an oranur charge might precede the immediate field or appearance of the posited bio-forms. This charge then quickly tails off within approximately 1 to 3 seconds, with radiation levels quickly returning to their usual background levels (see below). Hayes has also experienced some instances where these sudden high peaks have lasted a mere fraction of a second. The alarm had indicated that radiation levels had momentarily reached or exceeded the 0.20 microSieverts per hour (μSv/hr) threshold but the reading on the Geiger counter display would be unaltered at background levels. This indicates that the increased radiation, though picked up by the Geiger counter alarm, was very fleeting.

In instances where invisible energetic phenomena have manifested very close to his position, Hayes has sometimes noted instantaneous high peaks of between 0.30 and 0.50 μSv/hr, which have remained constant for up to 10 seconds at a time. Occasionally, it has taken up to 30 seconds for radiation readings to return to the normal background levels of between 0.09 and 0.12 μSv/hr.

Figure 5 – Plasmoidal Bio-forms above Mt. Wilson, California.

The above Figure 5 shows a possible group of invisible plasmatic bio-forms photographed above the summit of Mt. Wilson, California, by Constable in January 1959 (35). Photograph was taken using a Praktica FX-2 camera in combination with high-speed infrared film, and exposure was 1/100th second. According to Constable, objects like these that pulsate and change their form when sporadically visible, account for numerous UFO reports.

The location is approximately one mile from the famous observatory where Dayton Miller strongly evidenced the existence of aether. For this remarkable scientific achievement he was not lauded but rather was expunged from history (aether is similar to cosmic orgone conceptually). See Demeo for further information on Miller (36).

Figure 6 – Ovoid Bio-forms: Part 1

The above Figure 6 (A) shows a possible invisible ovoid bio-form, photographed at the first light of dawn above the rocky ridge adjoining Giant Rock, California, on May 17th 1958. The photograph was taken using a Leica G camera with high-speed infrared film and no filter, and exposure was 1/50th second (37).

The above Figure 6 (B) shows an invisible ovoid bio-form in motion, photographed above the summit of Mount Wilson, California, shortly after sunrise on April 28th 1961. The photograph was taken using a Practika FX-2 camera with high-speed infrared film and no filter, and exposure was 1/50th second. (38).

This photograph is a good example of how objects like this, which probably carry very high orgonotic charges, reproduce on photographic prints in a reversed polarity. This gives an appearance of an absorptive image as in the above case. Such objects are nullifying the photographic emulsions rather than reacting with them as is the normal case.

Figure 7 – Ovoid Bio-forms: Part 2

The above Figure 7 (A) shows a posited invisible ovoid bio-form photographed at 1/1000th sec by Constable using high-speed infrared film, as it moved above the Los Angeles business district at noon during his early trials using an 18A pass filter. The 18A is designed to block the visible light spectrum, while passing both of its invisible ends namely, infrared and ultraviolet; Kodak high-speed infrared film is also sensitive in the UV region. Constable captured multiple infrared photographs showing ovoid-shaped invisible bio-forms during his work, and several of these, including the above photograph appear in the 2008 re-issue of Constable’s book, The Cosmic Pulse of Life (39).

The above Figure 7 (B) was taken by Constable’s 11 year old daughter Diana, who had accompanied him on a weather engineering cloudbusting operation out to Thousand Palms, California, in May 1975. Constable had trained her to objectify and take photographs using a more energetic or "aetheric" type of sight.

As he worked the cloudbuster she sensed and then photographed this invisible bio-form close to the cloudbuster pipes, using a half-frame Olympus camera loaded with high speed infrared film, and fitted with an 18A filter (40).

4. Italian Evidence for Orgonotic Bio-forms

Luciano Boccone was president of the Italian research group GRCU (Gruppo di Ricerche Clipeologiche ed Ufologiche) who were based in Arenzano, Italy, and consisted of some 25 members. The group began their work in 1976, and along with CUN Prato and GORU La Spezia were the third Italian UFO research group to begin instrumental research into the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and among the first to capture claimed entities direct from their invisible state. Boccone was also a member of CUN (Centro Ufologico Nazionale) Italy’s major centre for such studies, and a contributor to CUN’s official magazine, Notiziario UFO.

GRCU Research Methods

The GRCU used a wide range of standard, high quality scientific instruments such as Geiger counters, precision magnetic compasses, temperature indicators, frequency measurements (electromagnetic and light), light, ultrasound and ultraviolet detectors, as well as infrared, panchromatic, and colour films in sophisticated gun-cameras, and cameras fitted with focal distance doublers or telephoto lenses.  Sometimes these cameras would be fitted with 25A, 87 or 89 filters, although most infrared photographs were taken with no filter.

Whenever the instruments warned of any sudden peaks in radioactivity and/or magnetic field, air, temperature, or luminosity, photographs would immediately be taken in the same direction in which the variations were detected. This simple procedure allowed them to objectify and photograph a whole range of invisible phenomena, not just in the sky, but also at much lower altitude, as well as at ground level, both day and night.

From the considerable experimentation done by the group over many years, it was found that manifestations pertaining to a possible invisible realm were objectified in most cases when the Geiger ionising radiation counter started reading and exceeding 0.20 milliRoentgens per hour (mR/hr) or about 2.0 μSv/hr equivalent – an unusually high peak reading for the normal background environment. Additionally, another sign was when the compass needle would deviate from the magnetic north, if only by a few degrees. Through the course of their work it was found that sudden high peaks in radiation levels were often accompanied by magnetic deviations. The levels of these fluctuations were on average between 10 – 15 degrees. Deviations of up to 50 degrees were also recorded by the group (41).  In some cases where the researchers employed a temperature indicator in conjunction with the other devices (such as Geiger counters and a magnetic compass), a simultaneous rise in the local temperature of up to 5 degrees Celsius was found to coincide with the high radiation readings and magnetic deviations (42). This hitherto unacknowledged evidence indicates a very interesting cross confirmation of Reich’s orgone temperature experiments, termed TO-T for Temperature Orgone versus Temperature Control.

Dr Blasband overviews Reich’s T0-T studies and recounts further evidence in the following Journal of Orgonomy paper (43). Not only do orgone cabinets appear to increase thermal temperature but the presence of highly orgone charged posited entities also appears to have a similar effect.

Southgate has additionally confirmed, in recent experimentation, that concentrated oranur charge deflects magnetic needles and increases ambient temperature (44).

GRCU Evidence

The GRCU obtained a large catalogue of extensive and detailed photographic evidence documenting the presence of possible invisible plasmatic bio-forms, both in the sky, and at much lower altitude. In 1979 the GRCU released much of this photographic evidence in their report: The Invisible UFO Evidence: July 1977 – June 1979. This report was a condensation of their previous reports: UFO Report – 1977 and UFO Dossier-1978 plus selected files taken from their photographic work of 1979. This evidence consisted of 140 infrared, panchromatic, and colour photographs of the most significant, instrumentally-detected invisible phenomena captured by the group between 1977 and 1979.

In 1980 Boccone released the best of the above photographic evidence in his book UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality) (45). This extremely rare publication also presents a whole range of photographic evidence gathered by not just the GRCU, but also from other sources including CUN Geneva, CUN Prato, and Romanian researcher Professor Florin Gheorghitza. The 142 page A4 sized book contains around 200 photographs, both colour and black and white, showing invisible, glowing, pulsating plasmatic forms, and amoeba-like possible life-forms, capable of changing shape, size, density, luminosity, arrangement and position in a split second. The authors have been fortunate to have access to this rare book.

Several infrared exposures captured by the Boccone team show the vivid, stark, pulsatory tracks made by apparently plasmatic forms as they traverse the skies at low altitude. In some instances the glow from the invisible objects can be seen illuminating the terrain over which they are moving. Others show plasmatic forms descending to street lamps, blinking at low altitude over the port of Genoa, or hovering above the Corigliano integrated steel plant of Italsider, adjacent to Cristoforo Colombo International Airport.

Night-time, time-lapse photography revealed seemingly plasmatic bird-like invisible forms, flying low in the sky above Arenzano, Italy, and a snake-like plasmoidal form moving at ground-level near a forest fire. Other photographs show fire-like invisible entities with antennae-like features, captured on colour infrared film as they appear to manifest just above the cameramen. Additional footage shows hexagonal-shaped light-forms, and plasmatic spheres etching their trails into the film’s emulsions as they move unseen across the night sky.

Figure 8 – Daytime Plasmatic Entity

The above Figure 8 shows a posited daytime plasmatic invisible body, photographed at very low altitude in the sky above Bangkok in 1979 using colour infrared film. The object, whose profile is almost identical to the "critters" (amoeba constabliani) first posited by Constable in the Mojave Desert back in the late 1950s, consists of an elongated ellipsoidal nucleus of dark black/brown colour, and its proto-plasmatic field is semi-transparent red and chrome yellow. The dirigible shape of the bio-form consists of an elongated ellipsoidal nucleus of a dark brown/black colour, and its proto-plasmatic field is semi-transparent red and chrome yellow. Much closer examination reveals that the bio-form’s movement has left a very light yellowish horizontal trail in the sky, suggestive of a shift of the body in the atmosphere from left to right (46).

Figure 9 – Plasmoidal Forms Multiplying

The above Figure 9 shows invisible plasmoidal forms manifesting from a ball of light. This 40 second exposure was taken in Italy on 29th October 1977, at 10.50pm, using black and white infrared film in combination with a 25A Vivitar infrared pass filter. The presence of these plasmoidal forms, which were some 40 metres away from the researchers when photographed, were objectified using a Geiger radiation counter, as well as a magnetic compass which showed a magnetic deviation of 10-15 degrees south east per 10 minutes (47).

Figure 10 – Plasmoidal Forms

Above Figure 10 shows possible plasmatic bio-forms photographed by the GRCU at their research base near Genoa, Italy. These blue and white plasmatic forms were captured using colour infrared film, on a January night in 1981, after their presence was detected by multiple instruments including Geiger counters, infrared and magnetic detectors, as well as a Swiss orgonotester instrument. This was an electrical orgone device developed by Dr Walter Stark and tested over some years by Dr Blasband. It claims to measure an orgonotic form of electrical current flowing in organisms and the atmosphere. Dr Stark called this a Motional Electrical Field or MEF and which, unlike other types of electrical field, and in similarity to orgone, is not able to be shielded (48). This has parallels to Russian torsion fields or to the "scalar" types of claimed quasi-electrical waves which are also said to be unable to be shielded. Orgone energy seems similar, not only to torsion fields, but also to the radiant energy discovered by the late Tesla (49).

Dozens of mutually corroborative photographs were taken using multiple cameras during the above incident. This strong photographic evidence shows multiple plasmoidal forms as they moved above the trees and began rolling down the hillside, skimming along the grass and among the researcher’s cars and equipment. This photograph did not appear in Boccone’s book, UFO – La Realta Nascosta, although it was later published in the 2008 re-issue of Constable’s book The Cosmic Pulse ofLife (50).

That this incident of life-like, moving and environmentally interactive multiple plasmatic forms was captured in significant detail and from a number of angles by more than one camera simultaneously indicates that the entities could be real and not artefacts produced within a single camera.

Figure 11 – Plasmoidal Bio-Forms Hovering above Blast Furnace

Above Figure 11 shows a large group of possible invisible plasmoidal bio-forms hovering above the integrated steel plant of Italsider at Genoa-Corigliano, Italy, on August 19th 1977, at 10.30pm. A member of Boccone’s GRCU group took this 40 second time-lapse exposure using unfiltered infrared film, despite the fact that nothing was visible at the time. The photograph gives the impression that the bio-forms are drawing upon the massive energy of the blast furnace, which is adjacent to the Cristoforo Colombo International Airport. The GRCU photographic record documents many instances of such behaviour, especially the attachment of these bio-forms to street lamps and similar energetic focal points (51).

Additional Romanian Evidence for Bio-forms

Romanian engineer and professor Florin Gheorghitza took numerous infrared photographs of possible invisible bio-forms during his work in the late 1970s in Romania.  Although Gheorghitza was an acquaintance of Boccone’s, his photographic work in a similar vein was independent of the Italian research group. It provides further evidence that reveals the possible reality of invisible plasmoidal bio-forms, not just in the skies, but also at ground level.

Figure 12 – Huge Glowing Plasmoidal Entity

Above Figure 12 shows a plasmoidal bio-form photographed using high-speed infrared film by Prof. Florin Gheorghitza near Cluj-Napoca in Romania, in September 1977. The huge size of this bio-form can be judged from the adjacent road circling left of the object. The glow emanating from the form can be seen illuminating both the road, as well as parts of the terrain where the object is positioned. This night-time photograph appeared in Boccone (52) and also in Constable(53). The intriguing infrared image points to the possible orgonotic nature of the invisible bio-form evident from the glowing radiation. It also captures the immense size that some of these entities may reach.

Summary of US and European Evidence

The photographic, instrumentally based documentation presented in Boccone’s book (54) positively confirms Constables, and Woods’ earlier photographic evidence. The photographs of invisible plasmoidal forms are practically identical in shape, size, and density to the specimens captured in the Mojave Desert. Other evidence captured by the other Italian research groups, CUN Geneva, and CUN Prato, as well as by Romanian Professor Gheorghitza (55) also supports the presence of orgonotic bio-forms in the atmosphere.

That these various researchers captured similar plasmatic forms, independently of each other, and at different times and locations not only in the USA, but in Italy, and Romania, is worthwhile evidence. These objects were repeatedly picked up by multiple instrumental detections, including Geiger radiation counters, magnetic compasses, thermometers and light detectors, prior to the infrared photographs being taken. Therefore the idea that they are merely artefacts or smudges on the photographs is not supported.

There appears to be broad, detailed, single and multiple camera photographic evidence of the existence of the claimed invisible bio-forms. There is in addition radiological and environmental evidence of a simultaneous energy peak from the Italian researchers. The movement, behaviour and morphology of the entities appear to follow set patterns. Altogether this does suggest that the anomalies could be real.


  1. Reich, W. (1951) The Oranur Experiment, First Report, Orgone Institute Press, see also photocopied reissue from http://www.wilhelmreichtrust.org pp 282.
  2. Reich, W. (1960) Selected Writings, Ed- Higgins, Farraux, Strauss and G, USA, pp 438.
  3. Southgate, L. (2018) The Orgone Continuum, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Theory.
  4. Demeo, J. (2002) Negative Finding on T. Constable’s "Bio-forms", Pulse of the Planet, Natural Energy Works, pp 250.
  5. Demeo, J. (2002/2016) http://www.orgonelab.org/demeopubsPDFs/2002DeMeoOnConstable.pdf See pp 3 to 4.
  6. Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books, pp 197.
  7. Ibid, Plate 41, pp 191.
  8. Ibid, pp 197.
  9. Demeo, J. (2002) Negative Finding on T. Constable’s "Bio-forms", Pulse of the Planet, Natural Energy Works, pp 250.
  10. Demeo, J. (2002/2016) http://www.orgonelab.org/demeopubsPDFs/2002DeMeoOnConstable.pdf see pp 3 to 4.
  11. Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books: Plate 41 pp 19.
  12.  Hayes, N. (2018) Personal Dialogue.
  13.  Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books, pp 197.
  14.  Collins, A., Ibid, plate 45, pp 199.
  15.  Collins, A., Ibid, plate 42 and 45, pp 193.
  16.  Collins, A., Ibid, plate 47, pp 201.
  17.  Collins, A., Ibid, plate 47 explanatory text, pp 201.
  18.  Collins, A., Ibid, pp 192.
  19.  Reich, W. (1949) Orgonotic Light Functions, An X-Ray Photograph of the Excited Orgone Energy Field of the Palms (1944), Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol 1 Num 2, pp 49-51.
  20. Nordenstrom, B. (1983) Biologically Closed Electric Circuits: Clinical, Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for an Additional Circulatory System (rare book) See http://ursusmedical.com/publications/exploring-bcec-systems/ for basic information on Nordenstrom.
  21.  Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books, pp 231.
  22.  Collins, A. Ibid.
  23. Demeo, J. (2002) updated (2016) http://www.orgonelab.org/demeopubsPDFs/2002DeMeoOnConstable.pdf See page 3 to 4.
  24. Collins, A. (1994) Alien Energy, UFOs, Ritual Landscapes and the Human Mind, Eagle Wing Books, pp 231.
  25. Demeo, J. (2002) Negative Finding on T. Constable’s "Bio-forms", Pulse of the Planet, Natural Energy Works, pp 250.
  26.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, The Book Tree, pp 53.
  27.  Constable, T., Ibid, pp 280.
  28.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, The Book Tree.
  29.  Constable, T. (2016) They Live in the Sky, Book Tree: pp1 of photo section, see also Constable, J. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 259.
  30.  Constable, T. (2016) They Live in the Sky, Book Tree, pp 4 of photo section, see also Constable, J. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 260.
  31.  Constable, T. (2016) They Live in the Sky, Book Tree: pp 5 of photo section See Also Constable, J. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, The Book Tree, pp 261.
  32. Constable, T. (2016) They Live in the Sky, Book Tree, pp 28, 29, and 30 of the photographic section.
  33. Boccone, L. (1981) The UFO-Orgone Energy Connection, Energy Unlimited Magazine, Num. 8, New Mexico, USA, pp7.
  34. Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California, pp 93 andBoccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality), Italy, Ivaldi Editore.
  35. Constable, T. (2008) Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 270.
  36. Demeo, J. (2002) Dayton Miller’s Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look, Pulse of the Planet Number 5, Natural Energy Works, see also, http://www.orgonelab.org/miller.htm
  37.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 269.
  38.  Constable, T., Ibid, pp 272.
  39.  Constable, T., Ibid, pp 276.
  40.  Constable, T., Ibid, pp 281.
  41.  Boccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality), Italy, Ivaldi Editore, pp 124 (Italian Text).
  42. Boccone, L.  Ibid, pp 100.
  43. Blasband, R. (1971) Orgone Temperature Studies, Journal of Orgonomy, pp 175-188.
  44.  Southgate, L. (2018) , Preliminary Experiments with Electrical Capacitance, Temperature, Radioactivity, Luminescence, and other Observations Associated with Controlled Oranur in a Strong Orgone Device, Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, https://www.psychorgone.com/orgone-biophysics/preliminary-experiments-with-electrical-capacitance-temperature-radioactivity-luminesence-and-other-observations-associated-with-controlled-oranur-in-a-strong-orgone-device : see Number 5 – Magnetic Effects.
  45. Boccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality), Italy, Ivaldi Editore.
  46.  Boccone, L. Ibid, pp 42.
  47.  Boccone, L. Ibid, pp107-109 see also GRCU, (1977) Reporto UFO.
  48.  Blasband, D. (1987) The Orgonotester: Preliminary Report, Journal of Orgonomy, Vol 21, N2, pp 214 – 222.
  49.  Fisher, D. (2016) https://consciouslivingmagazine.com.au/2016/11/28/scalar-wave-technology-for-emf-protection/
  50.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 308.
  51.  Boccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta, Italy, Ivaldi Editore, pp 68, see also Constable, J. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 307.
  52.  Boccone, L., Ibid, pp 23.
  53.  Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree, pp 303.
  54.  Boccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality), Italy, Ivaldi Editore.
  55.  Boccone, L., Ibid.

Appendix 1 – Figures and Copyright

Figure 1 – Hayes’ Sketch of Collin’s Claimed Stereo Image
Figure 2 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form
Figure 3 – Plasmoidal Amoeba-like Bio-form, Further Shots
Figure 4 – Trevor Constable Surrounded by Invisible Plasmoidal Bio-forms
Figure 5 – Plasmoidal Bio-forms above Mt. Wilson, California
Figure 6 – Ovoid Bio-forms: Part 1
Figure 7 – Ovoid Bio-forms: Part 2
Figure 8 – Daytime Plasmatic Entity
Figure 9 – Plasmoidal Forms Multiplying
Figure 10 – Plasmoidal Forms
Figure 11- Plasmoidal Bio-form Above Furnace
Figure 12 – Huge Glowing Plasmoidal Entity

Figure 1 – Nik Hayes.
Figures 2 – 7 – Trevor James Constable.
Figures 8 – 11 – Luciano Boccone/GRCU.
Figure 12 – Professor Florin Gheorghitza.


Nik Hayes

Nik Hayes is a UK based author and researcher. He first became interested in photographing invisible energetic phenomena after a low altitude encounter with a large, strange, visibly pulsating object on Christmas day, 2008. Unable to find a satisfactory explanation of what he had seen, he eventually discovered the work of Trevor James Constable, through his books The Cosmic Pulse of Life and They Live in the Sky (1).It was through this that he became aware of the work of the Italian research group, the GRCU, as well as Luciano Boccone’s rare book, UFO-La Realta Nascosta (2).

Influenced by this earlier work, Hayes began a quest to gather his own photographic evidence of invisible energetic phenomena. After designating a research area on some land adjacent to his house situated in countryside near Oxford, he constructed a cloudbuster, and began using infrared photography and movie footage. He spent much of the first year concentrating on the infrared part of the spectrum, but within a short time was also recording ultraviolet footage. He also used a Geiger radiation counter for energy peak detection purposes. Geiger counters are known to be reactive to orgone charge.

In 2011 Hayes created the Quest for the Invisibles (QFTI) YouTube channel, on which he uploaded videos of the various phenomena he had captured using infrared and ultraviolet recording equipment.

Hayes continued with his photographic work right through until the late summer of 2015, at which point he began compiling his research notes and photographic evidence into what would be published as Quest for the Invisibles by The Book Tree, California (3). Shortly after the publication of the book Hayes started the Quest for the Invisibles website (4). After the launch of the site Hayes began what would eventually form a two year photographic investigation into invisible night-time phenomena. He managed to photograph a whole range of apparently invisible phenomenon, not just in the skies, but also at a much lower altitude. Hayes has been interviewed on UK and internet radio and regularly gives talks about his work.

  1. Constable, T. (2008) The Cosmic Pulse of Life, Book Tree and also Constable, T. (1958) They Live in the Sky (Original Edition).Saucerian Books.
  2.  Boccone, L. (1980) UFO – La Realta Nascosta (UFO – The Hidden Reality), Italy, Ivaldi Editore
  3.  Hayes, N. (2016) Quest for the Invisibles, The Book Tree, California.
  4. Hayes, N. (2019) http://www.questfortheinvisibles.co.uk


Leon Southgate MSc

From a family of psychotherapists and teachers I was introduced to orgonomy at a young age. As an adult my interest was rekindled, doing an MSc research degree in Chinese medicine and orgonomy. In 2002, a double blind, placebo controlled study was completed (N = 72). It confirmed an effect from orgone devices upon acupuncture (P = 0.03). An article about the study was published in the European Journal of Oriental Medicine in 2003. The theoretical side of the study outlined dozens of new parallels. It was later published as a book by German publishers LAP.

Southgate started an orgonomic PhD but the access to laboratory work became difficult so the project ended but a comprehensive (though not complete) Annotated Literature Review of the Post-Reich Journals was written and made available for free online.

Southgate is focused on examining orgone and its relationship to consciousness.

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